Monday, February 28, 2011

5 Minutes!

Today in class, James gave us another lovely assignment.  We had to shoot inside as well as outside.  We could only use 1 light, 1 fill card, 1 scrim, and 1 gobo.  We had to create as many different looks we could think of in 5 minutes for each setting.  Special thanks to Caroline for being my lovely model and Cara for being my amazing assistant.  Here are some of my shots...let me know what you think!


  1. I like the black and white with the flower in her hair. Very classy!

  2. the wind with the flower is great.
    i love the emotion and the ...motion!

    so beautiful.

  3. I love how truly different each of these portraits is. You really got the most out of each set. I also love the different uses of motion.
